Alisher Ortiqov

Software Engineer at Softix

Alisher Ortiqov

I am currently a Software Engineer at Softix, I was previously freelanced as a Jr. Backend Developer, where I mostly used NodeJS to create back-end APIs for the front-ends to consume and also various types of Telegram Bots. But now I am more focused on JavaScript and the front-end side of things where I am using ReactJS to create beautiful and reusable user interfaces.

Currently working on



  • Learned grammY
  • Learned NextJS and created SEO-friendly websites
  • Gained more experience of using Material UI
  • Contributed to the development of online multiplayer game
  • Learned basics of Ant Design
  • Learned basics of Flutter
  • Made automated test and monitoring system for driving schools



  • Learned JavaScript
  • Learned NodeJS and Express to build Rest API
  • Made use of MongoDB in my projects
  • Learned Git and version control platforms: Github, Gitlab
  • Started Freelancing during the pandemic


  • Learned basics of web development: HTML, CSS
  • Produced some pet-projects to experience programming